Home Decor

Why Every Lifestyle Influencer Loves Organic Aromas Nebulizing Diffusers

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Nothing makes your house a home like creating a warm and inviting ambiance for you, your family, and your loved ones than through a curated scented experience.

One of my favorite ways to make sure that my home stays cozy is by using Organic Aromas Nebulizing Diffusers.

They help me to create a loving environment at-home through aromatherapy and the lovely scents joy to my home.  

The Organic Aromas essential oil diffusers provide a healthy and efficient way to spread the health benefits of essential oils throughout your home while adding pleasant scents that elevates everyone’s mood.

They also offer a range of various scents from juniper, lavender, ylang ylang, grapefruit, pine, formosa, welcome home, sweet basil, lime, ocean breeze, sweet ginger, meditation, and more.

This way you can mix-and-match scents based on the experience and mood that you are trying to create in your home.

Another great way to keep your home smelling and feeling good is to hire a professional maid service to come in and tidy up.


I also love using my nebulizing diffuser when I’m meditating. The clean and fresh air with a hint of scent aids in relaxing me while I settle my mind for the mediation.

Another time that I love using Organic Aromas oil diffusers is when I’m hosting friends and family at my home. Making sure that we have yummy food, refreshing beverages, soothing music, fun games, and a curated scented experience with aromatherapy essential oils. The essential oils makes sure that everyone feels welcomed and calm.

The oil diffuser is the perfect companion when you’re relaxing and unwinding with your favorite book. It creates the perfect atmosphere for getting lost in your novel. 

When I’m in the kitchen, sometimes the smell of the food while prepping and cooking can be less than desirable, think fish, onion, and garlic smells. In order to make sure that my kitchen and home stays smelling fresh, clean, and inviting, I use my air diffuser to overpower the unpleasant smells and fill the air with pleasant smells instead.

Another crucial time to utilize the calming effects of the oil diffusers is when you’re moving your body in a mindful way at-home. When I’m doing yoga, stretches, or pilates at-home, I love making sure that my home is filled with relaxing scents.

Whether you’re cooking, entertaining, doing yoga, reading, or just relaxing, Organic Aromas Nebulizing Diffusers is the perfect way to create a peaceful and calming experience at-home. 

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How To Add An Industrial Feel To Your Living Space

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There’s an array of styles and themes that you can create in your home and depending on your personality and tastes, you may prefer a certain style to others. The industrial look is definitely one that’s very popular and current. Here’s how to add an industrial feel to your living space.

Expose The Brickwork Or Add Cladding
It might seem a little daunting at first, but brickwork is a great way of adding a bit of that industrial and rustic feel to a space. You need to be cautious though as exposed brick can also make a space feel colder and so it might be a good idea to figure out where you want to expose the brickwork. Perhaps you could do this for a wall that’s on the inner part of your property. You could also add a fireplace to it so that it keeps this area of the room warm. Be sure to clean and file down the brickwork so that you’ve not got any dirt or mess that’s falling onto your living room floor or furniture. 

You could also think about applying lightweight concrete cladding as this is a great way of giving you that modern feeling and needing to worry about any additional decor.

Add Metal Furniture 
Metal furniture is the perfect way of making it feel industrial. You don’t want to make everything metal because then it might remove the comfortable aspect of the room. With your metal furniture, keep it to tables and storage features, rather than doing the same for chairs. Hard and uncomfortable chairs are not something you want. When picking out metal furniture, make sure that it’s been made properly and that it’s not going to start rusting up if it gets wet. You might want to keep the metalwork out of wet areas like the kitchen and bathroom. 

Recycle The Vintage
Vintage items are always going to be on-trend, and they provide a lovely feature for many aspects of your home. Look at what you can get in your local shops and perhaps online where they may sell vintage items specifically. You could also take old furniture and do a little bit of DIY to create new pieces that are fully functional but still have that industrial feel to it. Before you go upholstering sofas or armchairs, be sure to check that the structure of the item is sound before doing the work. If it’s not made out of quality materials, then there’s no point in wasting your time with something that’s likely going to break.

Think About Lighting
And finally, be clever with your lighting choices. Adding bars to the walls and ceilings and then hanging pendant lighting or other styles of light shades can help give that industrial style that you’re looking for in your property. Lighting also gives you that mood for your home, so experiment with it.

An industrial feel is a great choice for your home, so use some of these tips to add that style.

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Cleaning Tips For A Sweet Scented Home

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Sometimes despite your very best efforts, cleaning can only get rid of the dirt in your home and not introduce a refreshing smell. This could be down to many reasons, but it can also be changed very easily with little effort when you think outside the box. So, if you’re in the mood to pull on your gloves and get scrubbing, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips to help you create the sweetest scent ever.

Lay Great Foundations
Though it may seem you’ve got rid of absolutely all of the grime in your home, it's likely that some still lurks hidden, potentially in plain sight. The quality of your equipment does influence the standard of your clean, so do some research with regards to one vacuum vs another to find the best make and model. Invest in some antibacterial wipes to clear all surfaces of dirt, and use a duster and some polish to finish off. Don’t be afraid to clean the same place twice, and get in between every nook and cranny to get all of the awkward places too, as the build up of dirt usually encourages the strongest bad smell. 

Invest In Scented Items
There are several different things that can make a really sweet addition to your home, and they even add points to your interior design aesthetic value too. For example, incense comes in so many flavours, from vanilla to musk and patchouli, and the slow burning smoke can be so relaxing to watch. As well as this, scented candles come in many forms, with shapes like flowers and skulls so common in any good home interior store, and the smells that are produced as the wick burns can really wake the senses. Even cleaning products come with different smells, with dedicated brands offering products like cherry bakewell flavoured bleach to toffee apple surface spray. Just get online and start searching for your favourite scents and see what wonders appear on your screen. 

The Importance Of Fresh Air
Even on the coldest of mornings, it’s so important that you open your windows wide and let in some fresh air. The air in your home can easily get stale after cooking several meals and sleeping through the night, so it’s vital you can change the oxygen and start afresh each morning. Leave your bedsheets off your bed while you do this, as the warmth inside your bed is the perfect atmosphere for bugs and bacteria to thrive, so in doing this you destroy their habitat. 

Getting a sweet scent in your home needn’t be as tough as you might think with these top cleaning tips! Lay strong foundations by freeing your home from dirt, dust and grime with the best equipment, and invest in scented products that can boost your chances of a long lasting aroma. Burn incense and candles for a delicious smell and a decorative feature, and don't forget to open your windows wide each morning to get some fresh air.

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3 Ways To Create A Relaxing Garden Area

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

For those of you blessed with a garden space, consider what you might need to do to enhance your relaxation time outdoors. 

By taking a few (reasonably) easy steps, you will be able to refresh your mind, soothe your soul, and de-stress your body during your time at home. What greater incentive do you need?

#1: Create your own private nook
If you live alone and your garden is already secluded, then that's perfect; you will have all of the privacy that you need. If that isn't the case, then you might want to add certain features to create your own enclosure. You can do this with bamboo fencing, pre-grown shrubs and bushes, or a privacy screen. Be sure to include comfortable outdoor seating too, as you will then have somewhere to sit and relax as you wile away your day. And place fragrant plants around your seated area to soothe yourself with aromatherapy, such as lavender, clematis, and the sweet smell of gardenia. Add a table for your books, magazines, and refreshments, and your relaxation zone will be almost complete. 

#2: Block out any nuisance sounds
Should you be living somewhere remote, then you might have all of the peace and quiet you could ever need when trying to relax in your garden. But if you're living within a busy neighborhood, then noise might be a problem for you. From the sound of traffic to the loud conversations of your neighbors, it might be difficult to get much peace at all. Therefore, find ways to block out these nuisance sounds.

One way to do this is to add bamboo or metal wind chimes around your enclosed area. They're easy to incorporate into your garden, as they can hang from any raised point, so you don't have to do a lot of maintenance to achieve a sense of tranquility. 

Another way to block out sounds is to add a water feature. You can do this by purchasing something at your local garden center, such as an ornamental feature that provides a waterfall or a fountain. Alternatively, consider installing a pond in your garden. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and you can add waterfalls and other features as suits your desires. Visit your local garden center, and check out ePumps for the Tsurumi 50PN2.4S and other pumps your pond will need. 

#3: Attract wildlife to your garden

Snow White attracted birds and butterflies to her windows through song, but as she is only a fairy tale character, you will need to do more than sing a tuneful melody if you want to benefit from the relaxing sights and sounds of nature's wildlife.

You can do this by planting bird feeders in your garden, as you will then have regular winged visitors to your garden when they know there is food waiting for them. And to attract butterflies and bees, and other insect wildlife, plant a few herbaceous plants around your garden area. You will benefit from the colors and fragrances of these plants as much as your insect friends do, so your opportunities for relaxation will be multiplied.

We all need to de-stress, and if you have managed to create a garden that will allow you to do so, you will have many opportunities to relax and unwind. So, follow our suggestions, and leave a comment if you have any other ideas for a relaxing garden area.

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Photo credit for this collaborative post: (Pixabay CC0)

5 Home Improvements You Didn't Know You Needed

Home DecorCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

We spend a lot of time in our home’s so it’s natural that they evolve into spaces we enjoy spending time in. Have you ever visited somewhere, looked around and thought, “why didn’t I think of that?”, the inspiration for new home improvements can come at any time so here are 5 home improvements you didn’t know you needed, until now. 

  1. A skylight
    Natural light is such an important feature in the home, not only for practical purposes such as helping us to use less electricity but also for making spaces feel bright and airy. Natural light also has an important role to play in mental health and increasing the number of hours you spend in natural light can help to heighten the brain’s production of the mood-enhancing chemical serotonin. Skylights are also great for staring up at the stars and listening to the pitter-patter of rain, making them a great addition to your home. If you want more light to flood into your home, consider swapping your blinds for curtains. You can find curtain rods distributors for Kirsch online.

  2. A ceiling fan
    Cleaning fans do so much more than just keeping you cool in the summer months. Hot air rises and so most of the hot air in your home ends up near the ceiling, having your ceiling fan circulates the air when your heating is on can help to distribute the warmth more evenly, if you’re worried about wind chill then reverse the direction of your fan so it sucks the air up rather than pushes it down. Ceiling fans come in so many shapes and sizes and many also come with light attachments, find out more  by exploring

  3. Decorative light switch covers
    Decorative light switch covers are definitely something you probably wouldn’t have thought you needed until you see how much they can improve the finished look of a room. They can be used to hide switches or highlight switches, from vintage brass to vibrant patterns, intricate shapes and fun figures, there’s a cover for every room and every kind of interior design. They also make great additions to kids bedrooms and make remembering to turn off the lights fun.

  4. A hanging chair
    There’s something so magical about sitting in a hanging chair as it gently sways back and forth from the ceiling. A hanging chair can help to create the perfect reading nook or simply add intrigue to any living space. Whether you want a modern space-age egg design or prefer a simple bohemian macrame a hanging chair is the room accessory you didn’t know you needed. Hanging chairs are also great for smaller spaces, allowing more light to circulate the room and maintaining an airy feel.

A boiling water tap
When people first hear about boiling water taps their first reaction is often ‘danger!’ but a boiling water tap is in fact no more dangerous than a kettle. It just takes less time for the water to boil, in fact, it’s instant. Once you’ve had the chance to use a boiling water tap you won't go back, the convenience of instant boiling water revolutionises the kitchen, making cooking easier and serving tea or coffee, instant.

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*Photo credit for collaborative post: Image Credit: Pexels, Free to Use Licence.

Making A "Bolt" For The Door: Ways To Secure Your Home

Home DecorCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you've recently purchased your first home, it's that big adventure with a new life in a new neighborhood that feels incredibly exciting. But with these new and exciting journeys, we have to remember that we need to look after our home. When we live in a neighborhood that we don't really know much about, or we had to make some sacrifices to get a good quality property in a rundown area, you might want to think about adding a bit more security to your property. What are the best ways to do this?

Don't Advertise Yourself!
As tempting as it is to really show off the grandiosity of our property, if we live in an area that is prone to burglaries, we have got to tone it down a bit. A good example is the driveway gate. We all know that when we see a driveway gate, that if it looks pretty shiny, and incredibly sophisticated, that the person that lives just up the driveway has quite a bit of money, and is more than prime opportunity for a burglary. It's important to choose the right sort of driveway gate. Suppliers like Tulsa Home Guard can help you with this, so you don't over advertise yourself and show yourself to be incredibly posh.

Removing Hiding Places From Plain Sight
The exterior of the property, especially if you've got a big garden, needs to be as plain as possible. Burglars and the like hide in shrubbery and concealed areas. What you need to do is trim down the plants and trees that could be used for cover on and replace them with bushes or smaller flowers. As well as this, ensure to lock things like outdoor buildings, as well as gates.

Install A Security System
Sometimes we spend too much money on renovating the property we don't think there's any point in purchasing a security system, because they are so expensive. In fact, you don't have to spend above and beyond. You can choose a sophisticated security system, especially those that link to your phone but it's important to choose one that you are comfortable with. Before you said up the security system, it's worth getting some statistics for the crime in your area, as well as evaluating the overall weaknesses of your home. When finding the right security system, think about the cost, but also consider the brand, the installation methods, and even the customer service.

Get A Bunch Of Locks
From deadlocks to window bars, locks work wonders. You'll be surprised as to how many people don't have a good quality front door lock. You can upgrade to smart locks, to ensure that your burglar doesn't come in through the front door. And when it comes to securing things like the doors and windows, you have to remember that if they aren't strong enough in the first place, the lock won't work anyway. Installing strong doors, windows with reinforced glass, as well as having some due diligence in terms of the overall sturdiness of the property, work wonders.

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Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Running Perfectly

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Being a homeowner brings with it a lot of benefits. Having the freedom to unleash your inner interior designer and decorate your rooms in your own style has to be one of the biggest benefits! However, there are also a lot of responsibilities that come with owning your home. Taking care of every aspect of your property is essential to keep it running smoothly. Regularly maintaining your home will help save you from the hassle of lots of bigger problems and expense in the future.

Here are some of the ways that you can make sure that your home stays looking great and in perfect working order:


Clear Out Your Clutter
Clutter is something that seems to creep into your home over time slowly. Everything can be neat and tidy, then one day you will look around to find that you are surrounded by mounds of ‘stuff.’ Clutter is a problem for many reasons, but some of the main issues are that it attracts dust and can be a major trip hazard too! 

Having lots of clutter littering your house can make it feel like an unorganized place to live, and in turn, can make life feel more stressful. To be able to relax in your home you will want it to feel like a homely sanctuary. Unfortunately, lots of clutter can have the opposite effect, and instead, create a stressful living environment.

Decluttering doesn’t have to be a huge hassle. You can make decluttering manageable by taking time to tidy things away little and often. This is the key to keeping your home clutter-free and fabulous.

Don’t Skip Services
As a homeowner, sometimes you will inevitably need to call in the professionals. Calling in a technician is not something that only needs to happen when something breaks; it is something that you should do to keep your home well-maintained. Getting items such as your HVAC serviced regularly by a company such as is crucial to keeping it working at its best. Not getting your heating and air conditioning means that potential issues won’t be picked up. If your HVAC unit then breaks you could find yourself uncomfortably hot in the scorching summer, and freezing in the winter months.

Don’t Ignore Warning Signs
The best way to handle potential problems in your home before they become a significant issue is to get them sorted out as soon as you notice them. If you think that you may have a leak, or you have seen a crack, it is far better to get it checked out when it first appears. Ignoring potential issues allows them to become a bigger problem at a later date. By taking action early, you will help to prevent the problem from escalating further.

Spring Clean
Spring cleaning is the ultimate way of showing your home some love. A good top to toe clean will help you identify any issues such as mold or mildew, and will help your home look at its very best.

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*Photo credit for this collaborative post: Image credit - Pexels CC0 License

3 Ways to Turn Your Home into a De-Stressing Centre

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Stress will kill you. That’s something we’ve all been told growing up, and it’s also one of those bits of folksy wisdom that also turns out to be backed up by scientific evidence.

When our stress levels are elevated, it’s not just a matter of us “feeling” one way or another. The sensation of stress is connected to “stress hormones,” particularly cortisol and adrenaline. In short-term situations, elevated levels of these hormones may save our lives. But when they are heightened over a prolonged period of time, they contribute to systematic damage to the various organs of the body – not to mention premature ageing.

Our homes should be naturally relaxing paradises – but often they just add to the stress we are already experiencing.

Here are some tips on how to turn your home into a de-stressing centre, instead.

Fill it with furniture and features that up the comfort level dramatically

It would be difficult to relax and de-stress your home, if you had no comfortable furniture, and the overall ornamentation and style of the home naturally worked against you.

The first step in helping to turn your home into a de-stressing paradise, is to get some furniture that you find both comfortable and visually appealing. For some, that may mean classic shell chairs, for others, the kind of plush sofas you can melt into.

It’s generally pretty easy to figure out when your furniture is making it more difficult for you to relax. Just ask yourself the question, “is there anywhere in this house other than the bed where I’d feel comfortable curling up with a good book?”

If not, you’ve got some work to do.

Be sparing with the gadgets – and don’t have too many things going at one time

It’s difficult to de-stress when you are constantly being bombarded with information from all sides at once. And yet, that is the situation that most of us find ourselves in, in the modern world.

Not only do we have to deal with the demands of our bosses, take care of those ominous-looking letters from Inland Revenue, and deal with everything that goes along with maintaining family and social connections – but we also have to deal with dozens of daily news reports that convince us that we’re facing the end times. Then, there’s the latest entertainment gossip, and more.

If you want your home to be a de-stress paradise, consider going easy on the gadgets. Specifically, spend less time online, and less time watching TV.

Also, try to do only one thing at a time if you can, rather than overloading your attention and stressing yourself out by “multitasking.”

Always have the fridge stocked with nutritious, home-cooked meals

It’s hardly a secret that home-cooked meals, from whole food ingredients, are better for us than processed snacks.

But it’s not only a matter of how long you might live, or how free you might be from some kind of illness years down the line. Eating nutritious food – and the right amount of it – helps to regulate your hormones and keep everything behaving as it should.

When you don’t have enough nutritious food in the house, you’ll likely tend to either starve yourself (which contributes to significantly elevated stress hormone levels), or you will order takeaway, and experience mood and energy instability as a result.

Cook your food in big batches, and always keep the fridge stocked with nutritious meals.

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*Photo credit for collaborative post: Pixabay - CC0 License

4 Things To Remember When Buying Your First Home

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Buying your first home is a big step and it’s the most expensive purchase you’re ever going to make, so you need to make sure that you don’t rush into things. It’s harder than ever for young people to get their foot on the property ladder and people spend a long time saving up the deposit that they need. When they finally get there and it’s time to start looking at houses, a lot of people find that they don’t really know what they’re looking for. If you’re about to start looking for your first home, here are a few simple tips that you should follow. 

Always Budget First 
It’s easy to get carried away when you’re looking at houses, but if you want to avoid disappointment, you should always budget first. If you start looking without a clear budget in mind, you might fall in love with a house, only to realize that you can’t afford it. You need to look at how much you have for a deposit and what you can realistically afford to spend each month. It’s also a good idea to look into home loan pre-approval so you can work out what kind of mortgage you’re likely to get before you start viewing houses. If you go in with a clear budget in mind, you can manage your expectations and you won’t waste time looking at places that you will never be able to afford. 

List Your Priorities 
When you are trying to narrow down your options, you need to make a list of your priorities for the house and for the area that you live. Do you want somewhere with a nice outdoor space? Do you want a big kitchen? Are you willing to live in a rural area where there isn’t much going on or would you rather be nearer to the centre of a city? If you list your priorities and then rank them in order of importance, it will be a lot easier to choose which houses you want to view. 

Imagine Yourself Living There 
When you start viewing houses, you need to think about the practical stuff and check for any damage or signs of damp etc. but you also need to really think about whether you could imagine yourself living there. It’s important that your house feels like a home, and even a house that is perfect on paper might not necessarily be right for you. Keep that in mind when looking around and try to imagine where you would put all of your things and how you would use the different rooms. 

Always Get A Survey Done 
No matter how many times you look around a house, there are always things that you will miss. You don’t want to buy a house that has lots of hidden problems that are expensive to fix, which is why you need to have an independent survey done before you buy. A surveyor will be able to spot things like roof damage, damp problems, faulty plumbing, and dangerous wiring. You won’t notice these things yourself, so always get a professional opinion as well. 

If you follow these tips when you are viewing houses, you can make sure that your first home is perfect.

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Simple Ways To Make Your Home Feel Like a Home

Home Decor, LifestyleCandy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

Moving into a new house can be stressful. Even once the boxes are put away and you’ve put up your gallery wall, there can still be a feeling of newness that can stop you from feeling 100% comfortable. Sometimes it can take until your moving in party, or once your decorating is completely finished to allow you to settle into the feeling of being truly home. 

Many renters and house-sharers know that there is a huge difference between simply living in a place where you go to eat, sleep and wash and a home that really feels like home and you feel comfortable in. There's often the difficulty of not being able to decorate, knowing that your tenancy is only for a year and also living with people who you may not know.  But a sense of home is all about how you see things, and regardless of the external factors it is possible to curate true warmth, joy and personality no matter where you’re living.

Figuring out how to make your house feel like a real home is about finding out what makes you feel safe and cosy at home. Only you know what truly makes you feel at peace and warm, safe, and happy, but by sitting down and brainstorming on what those things are and then coming up with creative ways on how  to incorporate them into your house or apartment is the first step toward creating a sense of home. Here are some ideas to get you started.

First Impressions 
The hallway is a great starting place and goes a long way in creating the initial impression people have when entering your home.  Make sure your passage is clear of shoes, bags and other clutter. Keeping the colours light and airy to help the space feel less claustrophobic. Keep a door mat on both sides of the door to stop dirt and mud from the outside creating a mess on your carpets. 

Keep Your Clutter Away and Clean Up 
No-one likes mess and unnecessary clutter. A messy or unclean home can invite a whole host of health problems not to mention invite yucky vermin into you home. Think you’ve got a rat or mice problem? Sort it out quickly by hiring a Pest Control service, get your home feeling safe and clean again as soon as possible. 

Let Your Nose Do The Talking
Nothing is nicer than entering a home that smells great. Smell plays a huge role in creating a pleasing environment. Fill your home with air diffusers, incense, scented candles or even fresh flowers, for a home that smells clean and lovely. 

Let The Sun Shine!
It’s a well-known fact that colours can affect our moods. Cool colours like sky blue or lilac are known for being fresh while yellows are known for being invigorating. Warm and autumnal colours are known for making a room feel relaxing. Warms also work really well with neutrals and allow you to keep your space from looking too bland. 

Your home should reflect your personality.
Most importantly, being authentic to your own personal tastes and interior style will instantly add character and atmosphere in your home. If you create an environment that you love to be in, the rest should naturally follow. 

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4 Ways to Make Your Space More Comfy

Home DecorCandy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

Right before the holidays, I redesigned my apartment, and I can’t lie, I love it. I created my space to mirror fashion showrooms and spas by honing in on all of the senses from scented candles, jewelry displays, to knitted blankets.

I wanted to share with you a few ways to make your own space, whether it’s your home, office, apartment, or dorm, into your own personal oasis and place to decompress and express yourself. Plus, another way to elevate the ambiance of your home is with super stylish white flameless LED taper candles.

It’s also helpful to have a maid service come to your home as well to keep everything tidy and clean.

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4 Ways to Make Your Space More Comfy

#1: Add scented candles

I’m obsessed with making sure that my space smells yummy and that the moment someone walks into my place, they notice the lovely and inviting scents. Depending on your mood, likes, and seasons, scented candles are an easy way to elevate your space. Try spices and richer scents in the winter and opt for citrus and fruity scents in warmer weather.

#2: Add some texture with a throw

I love snuggling up on my comfy couch with a soft throw. It adds a bit of warmth and depth to your place by placing a throw over your armchair, sofa, couch, or chair. It can just be decorative or you can use it to keep and your bae warm. Step up your style game by picking throws with different textures from cotton, faux-fur, knitted, and more and opt for different colors and patterns.

#3: Change up your sofa

The sofa is often times the centerpiece of your living room, so updating where you place your tushies can totally change the vibe of your place. Opt for an updated fabric like velvet or leather. Don’t be afraid to think out-of-box with a modern and sleek style and go for a funky print.

#4: Toss in some pillows

Nothing updates a room like new pillows! Whether they are just decorative or you actually lay your head on them for a little R&R, jazzing up your space with a few new pillows can make all of the difference. Go for some pillows with some sequins for added sparkle or a faux-fur pillow for added softness.

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How Every Lifestyle Influencer Elevates Their At-Home Experience With Dr. Vranjes Room Diffusers

Lifestyle, Home DecorCandy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

One of my favorite ways to make my place feel like a home, is to make sure that it always smells yummy and sweet.

When scented candles just won’t cut it, I turn to Dr. Vranjes Scented Room Diffusers, plus by using the room diffuser, I never have to worry if I left my candles burning when I leave or go to sleep, so it’s a safe way to create an inviting, pleasant, and warm home environment, without the worry.

My favorite scent is the Rosso Nobile, which makes my home blossom with the sweet scent of bouquets of the finest Tuscan wines. It’s the ideal way to enhance my mood and the mood of my guests along with creating a stress-free ambiance while enhancing an overall sense of happiness and wellbeing.


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